
Sexy and feminine, Ramona is an exotic beauty!
Age: 33
Ethnicity: Morrocan/Albanian
Size: 8
Height: 5’8
bust: 32C
Hair: Chocolate brown
What a beautiful woman! When Ramona walked into the room, she had such elegance and style, you couldn’t help but be enthralled by her presence. She let me know she was a woman who knew what she liked and how to get it. Her smile is engaging and getting lost in her dark deep eyes framed by her chocolate brown hair, she’s definitely for men who like an attractive exotic mix. Well-travelled and with a love for different cultures, she speaks conversational French, Arabic and Spanish. Ramona enjoys meeting others and is adaptable in any setting, finding herself getting along with everyone from all walks of life. Ramona is certainly a well-groomed, feminine woman who likes to pamper herself as well as others. She takes great pride in looking well-presented and will always make an effort to look good for you before your date. Sexually confident, she is a firm yet gentle woman who can take the lead or lay back and let you spoil her. She is comfortable in her own body and will happily let you know what kind of intimacy she likes. Definitely for men who enjoy a more confident and sexually aware woman.