
The epitome of the girl next door, Holly is the type of woman you take home to meet your mother….
Age: 31
Ethnicity: NZ/Euro
Size: 7
Height: 5’5
Bust: 32A
Hair: Brunette
Tattoos: None
Attractive with a toned body, Holly is a great addition to The Bedroom. She has the prettiest eyes and a smile which lights up the whole room, you will definitely enjoy every moment with Holly.A full-time corporate career, while also studying for her master’s degree, she is an intelligent woman who loves to hold a great conversation. Her absolute cheeky and humourous wit alongside her energetic outlook on life, Holly is for men who love to forget the real world outside these doors.Holly is a little old-fashioned, enjoying home life, cooking, and taking care of other’s needs. She loves to make others feel special when in her company and makes a great listener and companion. A few hidden talents, Holly has many interests outside of her career and will make for an interesting woman to get to know.While she’s open minded in the bedroom, you’ll find her soft, caring approach will appeal to those who enjoy a genuine, sensual touch although, with her wide smile and cheeky grin, I’m sure there will be a few laughs along the way!